How to Draw a Cat

Hi everybody, and welcome to a new NIL-Tech drawing tutorial: "Cat". Besides fish, cats are one of the most popular pets to have in American families today. Around 94 million cats in the USA are the happy owners of humans, and we wouldn't have it any other way! Today, we are going to draw one of these beautiful creatures with graphite pencils from scratch.
Here are some interesting facts about Cats:
1. A cat has the power to, in some cases, heal themselves by purring. A domestic cat's purr has a frequency of between 25 and 150 Hertz. This happens to be the regularity at which muscles and bones best grow as well as fix themselves.
2. Cats only use their meows to speak with people, not each other. The only time they meow to communicate with other cats is when they are still kittens to signal to their mom.
3. There is a stereotype that cats love to drink milk. However, research studies state that cats are, in fact, lactose intolerant and also must avoid it entirely.
4. The longest living cat on record, according to the Guinness Book, belongs to the late Creme Puff of Austin, Texas. It lived to the ripe old age of 38 years and three days!
5. Sir Isaac Newton was the one who created the concept for the pet door that many pets use today to get outdoors.
In this tutorial, we used the following supplies:
- B pencil
- 3B pencil
- White Vinyl Eraser
- Kneaded Eraser
Let's draw a "Lying Cat" step by step!
Step 1. Outline the head and body of the cat with circles, and the ears with triangles (pencil B).

Step 2. Outline the placement of the paws with ovals (pencil B).

Step 3. Outline of the placement of the muzzle with a circle and draw the eyes and the nose (pencil B).

Step 4. Draw the ears and do not forget that they are "in turn", so you need to draw their back. Also, bring a muzzle with more details (pencil B).

Step 5. Draw the paws over the circles, and the back part of the cat's body. Erase the extra construction lines (pencil B).

Step 6. Erase all the extra construction lines (pencil B).

Step 7. Start hatching the drawing with the muzzle (eyes, nose, etc.) and stroke the shadows on the head and ears (pencil 3B).

Step 8. Brighten the shadows, adding a general tone at the same time. Add shadows to the ears (pencil 3B).

Step 9. Keep brightening the shadows, drawing a more detailed head. Add strips to the wool (pencil 3B).

Step 10. Start hatching the body, adding shadows under the head and stripes. Also, draw the general tone of the paws (pencil 3B).

Step 11. Brighten the shadows on the legs and body, draw the stripes (pencil 3B).

Step 12. Hatch the back of the body and add some stripes, as it is in the background. Brighten all the shadows (pencil 3B).
yo so good but i think the eyes can be slightly wider? but mine is trash…
how much is the pencil set?