How to Draw Minnie and Mickey Mouse
Hi everybody, welcome to a new NIL-Tech drawing tutorial: "Minnie and Mickey". We have all had a childhood where we spent our days enjoying our favorite cartoons. But when we talk about legendary animation characters, just one name comes to mind, Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse is a name and also a face that nearly everyone knows. He's been a part of people's childhood for 90 years, and his influence hasn't lowered down a bit. Kids like him, parents like him, the entire world likes him.
Here are some interesting facts about Mickey Mouse:
1. Mickey was initially going to be named Mortimer. Walt Disney has planned to name the mouse Mortimer. However, his wife told him that Mickey would be better. Mortimer became Mickey's opponent in the cartoon.
2. Mickey has his very own star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. In 1978, On his 50th anniversary, Mickey ended up being the first cartoon character to be ever named on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood.
3. Mickey was the first cartoon character ever to talk. In the episode, 'The Karnival Kid', Mickey says his first words, "Hot Dogs." This episode is a historic one in animation history as this was the first animated character ever spoke.
4. The artists that voiced Mickey & Minnie were married in reality. Wayne Allwine, who dubbed for Mickey, was married to Russi Taylor, the artist dubbed for Minnie.
5. Mickey's middle-name is Theodore. We have always heard Mickey introducing himself as Mickey Mouse, yet his actual full name is Mickey Theodore Mouse.
In this tutorial, we used the following supplies:
- B pencil
- 5B pencil
- colored pencils
- red
- burgundy
- pink
- yellow
- carrot
- brown
- black, skin color
- White Vinyl Eraser
- Kneaded Eraser
Let's draw "Minnie and Mickey" step by step
Step 1. With circles, outline the head's location. With the lines, show the direction of the bodies and arms (pencil B).
Step 2. Add the ears and draw the bodies. Mickey will have shorts and Minnie a dress. Draw hands and outline the gloves (pencil B).
Step 3. Add details on clothes. Draw gloves and faces, and Mini has a bow on his head. Below, with lines, outline the direction of the legs (pencil B).
Step 4. Draw legs and volumetric shoes over the construction lines (pencil B).
Step 5. Erase all excess construction lines. Make the contour brighter with a softer pencil (pencil 5B).
Step 6. Start coloring by hatching the clothes, shoes, and a bow (colored pencils: red, burgundy, pink, yellow).
Step 7. Start working on the tone. Add shadows and make the colors brighter. For the red pants, use a burgundy pencil for shadows, and with a carrot pencil, brighten the light areas. For the pink dress, boots, and bow, use the same burgundy shade for the shadows. Use brown to draw shadows on Mickey's yellow shoes (colored pencils: burgundy, carrot, brown).
Step 8. Draw the skin with black, and the face with skin color (color pencils: black, skin color).
My cousin loves Minnie mouse and Mickey and she loved the picture. Also, she wants me teach her
My cousin loves Minnie mouse and Mickey and she loved the picture. Also, she wants me teach her
I want to draw