How to Draw Mistletoe

How to Draw Mistletoe



Facts about Mistletoe:

  1. Kissing under the mistletoe probably originated around the 1500s in Europe. One custom was one kiss per berry, and when the berries were plucked, no more kisses
  2. The Druids believed mistletoe was sacred, a religious symbol that was both medicinal and magical, and was removed from an oak tree using a golden knife or sickle (or so says Pliny the Elder). Mistletoe could even provide protection from witches and ghost.
  3. The ripe white berries of dwarf mistletoe, native to western U.S., explode to scatter their seeds as far away as 50 feet.
  4. Those mistletoe plants that make up great nesting sites are often massive, weighing up to 50 pounds.
  5. There are 1,300 mistletoe species worldwide. The continental United States and Canada are home to more than 30 species, and Hawaii harbors another six



    Let’s start Drawing Mistletoe Step by Step


    In this tutorial we used the following supplies:

    • Pencil B
    • Colored Pencil:
      • red
      • light green
      • green
      • orange
      • burgundy


    [[Collection = 54-piece-white-sketchpad, limit: 2, code: STEPBYSTEP10]]
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    Step 1. Start drawing the construction lines to outline the shape of the mistletoe. (Pencil B)



    mistletoeStep 2. Next, draw the shape of the bow, balls and mistletoe leaves with colored pencils. (Colored pencils light green, red)



    Step 3. Remove all unnecessary construction lines. Use the same colored pencils to make the general tone according to the color of the outline. (Colored pencils light green, red)



    mistletoeStep 4. Next, work on the leaves, for this we use green, then we apply shadows on the leaves. (Colored pencils green)



    mistletoeStep 5. The last step is to work the red elements, for this we use burgundy for the shadows, and orange and red for the light areas. (Colored pencils orange, red, burgundy)



    [[Collection = 37-piece-white-sketchpad, limit: 4]]
    All tools used in this tutorial and more you may find at NIL-Tech Store
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