How to Draw a Christmas Tree
Hi everybody, and welcome to a new NIL-Tech drawing tutorial: "The Christmas tree". We celebrated Christmas, and now it's time to celebrate New Year! A lot of excitement, fun, resolutions for the next year, and delicious foods. It is one of the most exciting events of the whole year, and we can't wait for the New Year to arrive.
Here are some interesting facts about the New Year:
1. 1st January was accepted as New Year in 46 BC by Julius Caesar. England and also the American colonies of England embraced this day only in 1752.
2. Whatever New Year traditions we mention are meant for bringing good luck, as an example, eating black-eyed peas on the day of New Year is thought to bring good luck in several parts of the USA.
3. Speaking of traditions, we can not miss out on the Estonian practice of eating 7, 9, or 12 dishes on the eve of New Year. They believe that eating that many meals will give them the strength of that many individuals in the year that comes.
4. Spanish tradition is to eat 12 grapes at midnight on 31st December. While eating these grapes, Spaniards are making wishes. This tradition is thought to bring luck to those who practice it. This grape consuming tradition started back in 1895.
5. New Year's Eve has a unique name in Belgium. It is called Sint Sylvester Vooranvond. People in this country toast with usual champagne and kids write letters to godparents or parents on the day of New Year.
In this tutorial, we used the following supplies:
- B pencil
- 3B pencil
- 5B pencil
- HB pencil
- H pencil
- 4H pencil
- colored pencils
- Mechanical Pencil
- Kneaded Eraser
- White Vinyl Eraser
Let's start drawing a Christmas Tree step by step!
Step 1. Draw a cone-shaped contour of the Christmas tree (pencil 4H).
Step 2. Soften the top part with arcuate lines. Below - draw the border of the lower branches and the rough contours of the boxes - gifts (pencil 4H).
Step 3. Draw the gifts in more detail (pencil B or HB). Draw turns of tinsel and a star on top (pencil H).
Step 4. Draw sharp-outlined bows and ribbons on gifts under the Christmas tree (mechanical pencil). Draw a curly ornament between the branches, and outline the edges of the star (pencil 3B).
Step 5. Draw different toys at random on the tree (pencil 3B).
Step 6. Outline the main contours (pencil 5B).
Step 7. Erase excess lines inside and outside the contour.
Step 8. Color the Christmas tree and gifts, star, and toys in different colors (color pencils).
Step 9. Darken the needles in the lower and left areas. Do the same with toy balls. Also, darken all gifts from below. Decorate the tinsel around the Christmas tree with golden arched strokes (colored pencils).