How to draw an elephant step by step tutorial

How to draw an elephant step by step tutorial

How to draw an elephant step by step tutorial

Hi everybody and welcome to a new tutorial on the NIL-tech, this time entitled "How to draw an Elephant”.

In this lesson you will learn how to draw an elephant step by step with a pencil. The elephant has a large body and huge thick legs like thumbs, but unlike other animals, it's quite easy to draw an elephant. Although, his big ears, trunk and fangs, simple-looking, really are not easy to draw so that they look realistic. The picture of the elephant will be more picturesque if you draw other elephants nearby, as well as the surrounding landscape.

You can find all tools for drawing in our Drawing pencil set


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The NIL Tech Pencil Setis the highest quality art supplies with all the tools you need to create your own masterpiece Different types of tools in one case sketching kit helps you create multiple variations of art work the easy way. The tool set is perfect for use at home, school and office for creating drawings, sketching and completing art projects. Great for artist's and student use. Take your pencil set wherever you go!


Let's Start drawing

How to draw an elephant step by step tutorial

Step 1

Begin drawing from the original contour in the form of a large circle for the trunk. At a slight distance to the right, draw a circle of smaller diameter, for the head. To connect these figures, approximately as shown in my drawing, this will be the neck of an elephant. It is not necessary to observe the geometric accuracy of these contours, you see, these contours are also drawn rather carelessly. These are only preliminary contours, necessary for dismantling, which in the future will have to be removed.
Just below the main circle, you need to draw two more elongated ovals, for the legs of an elephant.

How to draw an elephant step by step tutorial

Step 2

This step begins with the contour of the trunk, it's easiest to do, you just need to draw an arc and at its edge a circle. It requires that you precisely observe the proportions of the massive head and trunk. Next, from the contour of the head to the back draw another arc, this will be the upper border of the ear. Well, now you need to draw a lower belly line. The elephant is a very massive animal, and this must be accurately conveyed in the drawing, so this line will insure you against an error. Well, at the end of this stage, add two more foot contours.

How to draw an elephant step by step tutorial

Step 3

Well, now it will be much easier to draw an elephant, the main contours we have, it remains only to add the contours of the legs to the drawing.
An elephant in our image, you can transfer this movement with the help of the legs. Draw the left leg slightly raised, for this the contour of the upper part of the foot slightly lift up, and turn the lower part to the left. In the next step, we will draw a general outline of the elephant, and then it will be seen that it is coming.

How to draw an elephant step by step tutorial

Step 4

This step of the picture begins with the drawing of the contour of the trunk and the huge ear of the elephant. By the way, the scope of his ears is equal to the length of an elephant, consider this. It is quite simple to draw a trunk from the already existing contour markings, and the ear can be drawn in any shape. Do not make the elephant's trunk too thin or too thick. Compare, for example, with the thickness of the legs. By the way, legs at the elephant are like columns, and the feet are squashed, almost round.
It wont be too difficult to circle the general outline of the trunk and legs of an elephant.
You can see how easy we were able to draw an elephant, it only remains to add simple small details and the drawing will be completely finished.

How to draw an elephant step by step tutorial

Step 5

First of all, remove the extra contour lines, because you want to see what we do. After that, start painting from the simplest. Draw an eye, then you can draw two tusks and a tail. It will be a little harder to draw an elephant's ear, but I think you can easily cope with it by looking at my drawing. The main thing, pay attention, that on a drawing the edge of the second ear is visible, but you can not draw it.

After when we managed to correctly draw the torso and the head of the elephant correctly, we will begin to paint the skin. In some places it can be covered with wrinkles, folds (trunk). You can do this with a pencil stroke. And on other parts of the skin, apply a shallow "grid", in the form of intersecting lines. Do not press strongly on the pencil, the lines should be barely noticeable. Try to draw the elephant's eye correctly. To better see the details, you can enlarge my drawing.

How to draw an elephant step by step tutorial

Step 6

By this step you should already completely draw an elephant and start painting the picture. If you decide to draw just a pencil, then you need to take a soft pencil (2M) and apply a shadow. The shadows will add volume and the figure of the elephant will be more realistic. To accurately draw shadows on the trunk of an elephant, you need to imagine from whatever side a light falls or the sun shines. What is closer will be lighter. In the places of connection of the legs with the trunk, the ears with the head, the shadows will be denser.
If you draw an elephant next to its other congeners or a small elephant, as well as the surrounding African landscape, then your drawing will become more alive, realistic and attractive

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