October 14, 2021 3 min read 1 Comment

hotel transylvania

Hotel Transylvania: Transformania is an American Animated comedy movie created by Columbia Pictures as well as Sony Pictures Animation, it is the succeeding movie next to Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation, starring Brian Hull as the voice of Dracula and Selena Gomez as Mavis, Dracula's little girl, as well as includes Asher Blinkoff as Dennis.

Fun Facts about Hotel Transylvania:

1. The first "Hotel Transylvania" still holds the record for the highest opening motion picture during September in the U.S. with $42.5 M in 2012.

2. The production team initially thought Vlad would live in a traditional castle following the location right out of a vampire film from the twentieth century, then decided to have him live in a cave to demonstrate how secluded he's ended up being. 

3. Vlad's head is shaped like a coffin.

4. Dennis was initially designed with gigantic curls out of his papa's red hair yet when put to computer animation, his hair was so huge that it blocked the light in front of Dennis' face and nobody's arms would have been long enough to hold Dennis given that his hair took so much room.

5. The certificate plate on Dracula's hearse is Romanian. This is right, as Transylvania is now part of Romania.


Let’s start Drawing Hotel Transylvania 4 Step by Step

In this tutorial we used the following supplies:

  • Pencil B
  • Colored Pencil
    • orange
    • beige
    • green
    • yellow
    • black
    • blue
    • cyan
    • marsh
    • brown


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sony pictures animation

Step 1. We start the construction by drawing a middle line and using lines and circles to outline future shapes. (Pencil B)


drac hotel transylvania

Step 2. Start the drawing at the lowest character and do it based on the construction lines. (Pencil B)


transylvania movie

Step 3. Next, draw the above character, relying on the construction lines. (Pencil B)


hotel transylvania mavis

Step 4. Go even higher, and also do not forget to align all the lines on both sides. (Pencil B)


hotel transylvania invisible man

Step 5. Continue with the remaining characters and repeat all the same actions. (Pencil B)


hotel transylvania 3 cast

Step 6. Remove all unnecessary construction lines and add all the remaining details.(Pencil B)


hotel transylvania: transformania

Step 7. Proceed to color and start with the top two characters. For the left side of the skin, and for the girl's skin we use beige, the guy's hair and sleeves are colored using orange, green is colored on the right side of the guy and also parts of the sleeves, and the remaining parts of the jacket, nails, and the right eye are yellow. We make the girl's hair and dress black. (Colored pencils orange, beige, green, yellow, black)


transylvania 4

Step 8. Moving on to a more detailed part of the upper characters; for this, we enhance the colors accordingly and add shadows, make them brown on the skin, and orange on the yellow areas. We also make the general tone of the remaining characters for the skin using beige, brown, and blue. We make a jacket, a raincoat in black, a shirt and an insert on the neck in blue, a swamp mummy, her eyes are green, and gold inserts are yellow. (Colored pencils orange, beige, green, yellow, black, blue, cyan, marsh, green, brown)


hotel transylvania dracula

Step 9. We turn to the detailed part of the remaining characters. We also enhance all the colors accordingly and make the shadows. On beige areas, brown and blush pink, on blue-gray shade, on marsh brown, and white areas blue. (Colored pencils beige, green, yellow, black, blue, cyan, marsh, green, brown)

All tools used in this tutorial and more you may find at NIL-Tech Store
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October 29, 2021

Can you make a landscape drawing

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