Thanksgiving Turkey Drawing
Hi everybody, welcome to a new NIL-Tech drawing tutorial: "Thanksgiving". Thanksgiving traditionally revolves around family members, food, and (at least in my home) football. Several of us are spending too much time making spreadsheets for Thanksgiving recipes - things like turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and also pumpkin pie. However, it's essential to remember how the holiday started, along with the various reasons we celebrate it today.
Here are some interesting facts about Thanksgiving day:
1.Historians have no record of turkey being eaten at the initial Thanksgiving. The initial Thanksgiving Day feast occurred in 1621, with three entire days dedicated to the festivity. Although turkey was plentiful in the region and a usual food resource, it's most likely that it wasn't the star of the festivities, and other "fowling" was served for the occasion. Instead, "ducks, geese, and swans" are thought to have been served to the English settlers and native Americans.
2. Benjamin Franklin wished the turkey was the national bird. In a letter to his daughter, Benjamin Franklin composed, "For my own part I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen the Representative of our Country... For the Truth, Turkey remains, in Contrast, a much more respectable Bird." And although Franklin didn't have his wish granted, his letter inspired a song written in 1776, the Tony-winning music concerning the Declaration of Independence.
3. The first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade had Central Park Zoo animals. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was initially called the "Macy's Christmas Parade" to start the holiday shopping season. In 1924, the initial parade consisted of apes, bears, camels, and elephants borrowed from the Central Park Zoo instead of the typical balloons we know today.
4. Snoopy has made one of the most appearances in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Forty-four years after the initial Macy's Thanksgiving Day Ceremony, Snoopy made his debut as a balloon in 1968. The beagle had had seven balloons throughout the years, making 39 appearances "on and off with 2015" before he was replaced with Charlie Brown in 2016. He returned as an astronaut for the 2019 parade, bringing his balloon total to 8.
5. Sarah Josepha Hale was, in fact, the "Mother of Thanksgiving." Famously known for writing "Mary Had a Little Lamb," Sarah Josepha Hale was a 19th-century writer and editor that was nicknamed the Mother (or Godmother) of Thanksgiving. The name seemed fitting after she wrote a letter to President Abraham Lincoln and Secretary of State William Seward in 1863, calling for the declaration of Thanksgiving as a national holiday.
In this tutorial, we used the following supplies:
- B pencil
- 5B pencil
- colored pencils
- brown (dark and medium)
- beige
- brick
- black
- blue
- orange
- green (light and medium)
- yellow
- burgundy
- pink
- carrot
- ocher
- White Vinyl Eraser
- Kneaded Eraser
Let's made a Thanksgiving drawing step by step
Step 1. With circles and lines, outline the turkey's shape: head, body, tail, and legs (pencil B).
Step 2. We outline the placement of the pumpkins. Draw the legs and outline the wings (pencil B).
Step 3. Draw the wings, face, and add a hat on the top of the head. Draw the tail feathers inside the outlined circle (pencil B).
Step 4. Add details on the plumage. Draw eyelashes, eyebrows, highlights on the eyes, and the pumpkins (pencil B).
Step 5. Draw leaves and twigs around, adding the autumn vibe. Also, add hearts and a floor (pencil B).
Step 6. Erase all excess construction lines and make the contour brighter (pencil 5B).
Step 7. Start coloring by lightly hatching all parts of the picture (colored pencils: brown, dark brown, beige, brick, black, blue, orange, green, yellow, burgundy, pink, light green).
Step 8. Let's start adding more details on the turkey. Add volume with shadows and brighten the tone. To draw shadows, use darker pencil tones (colored pencils: brown, dark brown, beige, burgundy, black, blue).
Step 9. Color the remaining parts. Use techniques from steps 7 and 8 (colored pencils: brick, orange, green, yellow, burgundy, pink, light green, carrot, ocher).