January 13, 2022 2 min read



The Dragon and The Freckled Princess") is a 2021 Japanese animated science fantasy film written and directed by Mamoru Hosoda and produced by Studio Chizu. It is based on and inspired by the 1756 French fairy tale Beauty and the Beast by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont.


Fun Facts about The Dragon and The Freckled Princess "Belle" :

  1. Belle is the third highest-grossing Japanese film of 2021, accounting for 6.53 billion yen (as of December 12) in box office, an equivalent of $56.9 million.
  1. “Belle” is a delirious fusion between a tale as old as time and technology that’s yet to be invented — one set in a world where everyone is desperate to be visible
  1. Suzu’s mom died saving a total stranger is the kind of first act detail that can be easily lost in a movie that unfolds like a technicolor parade of stray ideas
  1. The main theme and first song you hear in this movie is by Japanese music group Millennium Parade, and there are many subtle hints and references to the group within the movie
  1. If you look close you can spot other characters that resemble people in the dance scene in their video for Bon Dance as well.



Let’s start Drawing Belle Step by Step


In this tutorial we used the following supplies:

  • Pencil B
  • Colored Pencil:
    • pink
    • beige
    • dark purple
    • light pink
    • blue
    • purple
    • brown
    • black
    • coral
    • burgundy


All tools used in this tutorial and more you may find at NIL-Tech Store
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 belleStep 1. Start drawing circles and lines to outline the silhouette of the figure. (Pencil B)


 BelleStep 2. Based on the construction lines. Draw the basic shape of the head, neck and shoulders, also draw the shape of the bangs. (Pencil B)


 BelleStep 3. Add the rest of the hair details, ears and use lines and circles to outline the face. (Pencil B)


 BelleStep 4. Remove the unnecessary construction lines and draw the face (Pencil B)


 BelleStep 5. Start with coloring the general tone. We use pink for the hair, beige for the skin, and dark purple for the eyelashes and eyebrows. (Colored pencils pink, beige, dark purple)


 BelleStep 6. On this step we add texture to the hair. To do this, use a light pink for the highlights, and pink for the shadows. With a dark purple intensify the color of the eyelashes and eyebrows. (Colored pencils pink, light pink, dark purple)


 BelleStep 7. Now we work on the skin. Use brown for the shadows, and shade over the eyes with blue and black, Add the shadows on the jacket with purple. (Colored pencils blue, purple, brown, black)


 BelleStep 8. The last step is using burgundy to add blush on the face. Add coral and light pink patterns. And with light orange shade the lips, add highlights with an eraser. (Colored pencils coral, light pink, burgundy)



All tools used in this tutorial and more you may find at NIL-Tech Store
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