Best Friend's Day Drawing Tutorial

Hi everybody, and welcome to a new NIL-Tech drawing tutorial: "Best Friend's Day". National Best Friends Day is celebrated in the US on June 8. As the name suggests, on this day you can express your gratitude towards the people who are the biggest support in your life and are closest to you-- your best pals. You get a chance to show your best friends how much you appreciate them, how special and important they are to you and how you cherish your friendship with them. After the immediate family, we all have a best friend in our lives who we consider our ultimate support system.
5 Fun facts about Best Friends:
1. Stating the exact same thing at the same time
It may sound weird or difficult however when you spend so much time together, you start both thinking of the very same thing at the same minute and it happens a lot for both of you. For instance: "Let's go shopping!"
2. Finishing each other's sentences
I bet it occurs to you a thousand times too that you are completing your bestie's sentences like "I'm starving! Perhaps we must ..." "Eat some pizza!"
3. Laughing together until it hurts
You constantly laugh together about ridiculous things. Your pal can make your belly laugh like nobody else.
4. "Don't tell anybody"
How about secrets? You could write a whole book out with them, or perhaps you are writing a journal together? And of course, if somebody says "do not tell anybody" that excludes your best buddy.
5. That 'look'.
It's normal to look at each other and know what the other is thinking. Particularly when an individual which you both dislike says something irrelevant. Eye roll!.
Let's start drawing Best Friend's Day Celebration!
In this tutorial, we used the following supplies:
- B pencil
- colored pencils
Step 1. We begin construction by marking the head with the help of a circle, and the body with lines. (Pencil B)
Step 2. With the help of circles we outline the body, and with the help of lines we outline the movement of the legs, arms and legs. We also draw the shape of the head and the direction of the tail for the dog. (Pencil B)
Step 3. Next, draw the shape of the dog's body, paws, tail, add ears, eyes and a muzzle. For the girl, we also draw the shape of the torso, arms and legs and add a face. (Pencil B)
Step 4. Remove all unnecessary construction lines and draw the rest of the details. The dog has spots and a scarf, and the girl has hair, ankles and parts of her overalls. Draw a rectangular frame in the background for the blanket. (Pencil B)
Step 5. We begin to paint by doing the general tone of the elements. With the help of brown we make spots on the dog's fur and the girl's hair, with a light green shawl, yellow jacket, blue overalls, orange spots on socks and beige skin. (Colored pencils brown, light green, yellow, blue, yellow, beige, orange)
Step 6. Add the shadows, paint over the dark parts of the picture: buttons, mouth eyes. Outline the contours with a well-sharpened pencil, erase the excess lines (pencil 5B).
Step 7. Moving on to the girl. With the help of dark brown, we draw the structure of the hair. On a yellow sweater we make shadows with ocher, and blue for the jumper pants. On the skin, we make shadows in brown and add blush on the face with burgundy. (Colored pencils dark brown, ocher, blue, brown, dark brown, burgundy)
Step 8. The last step is to work with the blanket. We paint it over with turquoise, and make the stripes and shadows blue. (Colored pencils blue, turquoise)
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